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Feature requests
 What do you want to see in Bobtail?

Hi! There’s a lot of features already in the backlog (which may be made public at some point) but if there’s something you think would be super useful, let’s talk.

Every other chat-type app has made me realize how much I value emoji reactions. Adding that to the backlog.

Tippy top of the backlog: mobile support 🫠

This is just a nomenclature thing, but I feel like the thing we're talking in right now is a channel, not a thread, but maybe that's because it borrows the "#" symbol that I associate with channels from Slack/Discord. If you ever decide to allow for multiple replies/conversations in one Bobtail thread, then you'll have to make up some name that's not threads!

👍 1

Of course, I'd like profiles (avatar, website, pronouns, bio), the ability to upload images, and website unfurls

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Love all of these ideas, adding to the backlog. I’ll start a new thread (or channel!) to track what’s shipped, too.

Not sure if it’s just my phone but the little left arrow is around vertical middle of screen but it overlaps with everyone’s avatars in a way that makes it harder to navigate than needs to be. Maybe put in a corner?

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I tried to upload a screenshot of it but the photo icon just gained a little x, I’d upload a screenshot of that but…yeah.

Ah. I guess gotta send a message with an upload.

Unfortunately, yeah – ‘uploads’ in general could use some love. Noted!

🙏 1

Accept html color names in the color fields ("tomato" vs "ff6347")

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Saw it mentioned but i'll second it. Slack style emojis :joy:

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Would love to cut and paste images into a post

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Adding all of these to the backlog 💅

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It should be clear what's private and what isn't. options to make all private, some parts public, etc

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Just FYI, if you make a private channel (or change an existing channel to private) it will be invisible to 1. people who aren’t logged in 2. people who are logged in but not a member of that channel, even if they have the direct link.

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I appreciate that this could be more clearly communicated, though

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Would be cool to be able to resize the text box to more than one line to see more of what i've written

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100%, I really need to refactor the entire ‘make a post’ component into something a bit more comprehensive. It’s a good nudge to bump this up in priority :)

Would be cool to have a little blurb about the forum. Like in addition to the name, a little place to say what the forum is or its purpose.

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Share button at the top right on the forum to copy this link (even if it's just the URL)

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Create new channel link looks like a title for the field below - I missed it at first glance.

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hovering reactions to a post should show me who reacted.

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  hovering reactions to a post should show me who reacted.

This was easier to implement than I thought, shipped! 🚢

As you open up, you likely need a CYA content moderation policy and age verification hard-gate (or you'll run afowl of the authorities?)

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  As you open up, you likely need a CYA content moderation policy and age verifica...

I will indeed. The legal infrastructure around building products is a whole other learning process.

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  I will indeed. The legal infrastructure around building products is a whole othe...

Happy to provide my 2c if you want to rubber-duck what you're thinking, or just catch up in general! Been too long :)

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Also just FYI - all your emails were landing in gMail spam for me

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Oh, that’s disappointing. I’ll see if I can make Bobtail emails a bit less spam-like, I guess. 😞

You need to be logged in to post a message.

New channel name
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New channel description
  Private channel Private channels are invisible to logged out users and non-members.
  Locked channel Only the channel creator can post in a locked channel.
  Open to new members Anyone can join this channel and it'll show up in Discover Channels (they'll need an invite code, otherwise).
Channel name
Channel color
Channel description
  Private channel Private channels are invisible to logged out users and non-members.
  Locked channel Only the channel creator can post in a locked channel.
  Open to new members Anyone can join this channel (They'll need an invite code, otherwise).
Display name
Display color